Monday, July 2, 2012

First Aid Kit for Pets

Important Numbers to have in your Pet’s First Aid Kit within easy reach:

Primary and Emergency Veterinary Phone Numbers

Poison Control Phone Numbers:

Pet Poison Helpline -
General information: (866) 823-1588
Pet Poison Helpline:  (800) 213-6680

ASPCA Poison Control Center –
Phone: (888) 426-4435

Medical First Aid Supplies:

-         For wound management:
o       Rolled sterile gauze
o       Ace Bandage
o       Towels
o       Strips of clean cloth
o       Adhesive tape (never use band-aids on pets)
o       Sterile alcohol wipes
o       Antiseptic cleansing wipes
o       Gloves
o       Small bottle of diluted betadine solution to flush wounds
o       Sterile saline solution
o       Large syringe to flush wounds
o       Muzzle to handle animal if painful.  Do not use if dog is coughing, having trouble breathing or vomiting.
o       Leash for dogs, pillow case for cats

-         For illness:
o       Digital Thermometer:
A normal temperature on dogs and cats ranges from 100.1-102.7.  Temperatures need to be taken rectally.
o      Tick Remover
o       Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) for allergic reactions after consulting with your veterinarian for appropriate dosage for your specific animal.
o       Karo syrup (for diabetics or potential low blood sugar)
o       Any additional medications that your veterinarian advises you keep on hand for your pets.

Keep in mind that a First Aid Kit allows you to handle a situation quickly and effectively when you are away from home (on a hiking trip, camping, road trip, etc) to treat your animals before you are able to get them to a veterinarian. 

Never hesitate to call your primary or emergency veterinarian for advice.  For wound care it is important to always have a veterinarian evaluate the wound.  Self treating an injury or illness at home may perpetuate a problem and ultimately cost more than if you had it examined immediately.

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